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You'll get studio lit charts (with an Litepanels Gemini 2x1 RGBWW light) from -7EV to +5EV in 1 stop exposure brackets in 3200K & 5600K. As a bonus you'll get some outdoor shots in pure sunlight without any additional lighting or negative fill too. These are just exposed at 0EV - no exposure brackets - in 5600K. 


Charts that are visible in the frame are:
-) X-Rite Colorchecker Digital SG

-) X-Rite Colorchecker Classic

-) Kodak Grey Card

-) Kodak Grey Scale 

-) Kodak Color Seperation Guide


The footage is shot in UHD (3840x2160px), ProRes4444, Arri Log-C with a Zeiss Contax 35mm lens. No additional rendering or similar. Straight out of cam!


Use coupon code: "ColorChartPackage" at the checkout to get 1 pack for free if you buy all 4 available!


If you want to learn more about film profiling and how to use all these charts (in combination with the film stock ones that are available in the shop too) you'll find a detailed course about this (with many different approaches) here:

Also there are constantly coming new tutorials to this course. So make sure to regularly check back!



This digital product may not be redistributed, copied, or sold in any way. Refunds are not accepted. 

ARRI Amira Log-C Color Charts

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